Thanks for stopping by! I invite you to join me as I blog through the Bible this year to discover what it means to be a people who are "Blessed to be a Blessing".

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lesson 6 – Blessed Are Those Meekly Seeking Righteousness

Matthew 5:5-6 (NIV)
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."

The next attitudes we're to have to receive God's blessings are meekness, along with a hunger and thirst. While the latter is clearly spelled out as a hunger and thirst for righteousness, we're not told much about meekness.

As with the first two we looked at, these are also attitudes of the heart which lead to salvation. Meekness is the realization I can't do a thing to atone for my sins on my own. Meekness is coming before God in humility, not demanding anything from him, bowing my spirit low before him in reverence and fear.

We come this way to God because our hearts are empty. We desire righteousness, but we've come up short without Christ. You see, no one comes to salvation on one's own merit. That's why we must come in meekness, hungering and thirsting for the righteousness that only Jesus Christ can give.

I invite you to join me in faith. Come inherit the earth as a joint heir with Christ. Be filled with the righteousness which is only Christ's to give.

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About Me

I'm the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, Baumholder Germany, serving the military community since June 1998.

The Spirit's Touch

I also invite you to look at my 2009 blog for 233 lessons on the Holy Spirit.
